Balloons, wishes, gifts, cakes and more, that’s what birthdays are all about. The one day in the whole year where we are the sole focus, no matter what your age is birthdays are always fun and super exciting. It actually makes us realise the importance of our life, what we did until now, what more can we do. Be that as it may, sometimes we can get a tad over concerned about birthdays and that’s when the problem begins.
In some cases we get angry or depressed because of birthdays, thinking about all the things we had planned to accomplish by the next birthday, or about our past, like how we spent all these years and so on, now this is what we call BIRTHDAY BLUES.

What is it ?
At times, we fell depressed as our birthday approaches, it’s okay to feel so, but why does it occur should be addressed, after all its not a medical condition. When we are not so fond of aging or have bitter experiences in the past, we can be quite sceptical about birthdays. For the people going through a tough time and when their birthdays fall on the same time it won’t be as exciting as it should be, for others it may be because they are not in a place in their life which they hoped would be. In all these situations, we may not be as happy and enthusiastic as we should be.
Do I have it?
Now, how does we feel having birthday blues, we may be sad or feeling low especially around birthdays, or somehow try to avoid the day fully by being engaged in other activities or being apathetic to celebrations and wishes. At times, we often contemplate about our life as a whole and the things we missed out, eventually feeling sad or stressed about the fact that we are 1 year short in achieving our goals.

What to do?
Birthdays are not for being depressed or it should not be the day we question our life choices, after all birthdays are for being grateful for life. It’s natural to feel indifferent towards birthday, but it need not be that way. Now, what should we do about this so called birthday blues,? Its simple, Identify your people, talk to them, open up and celebrate your birthday in a way you enjoy even if its spending time alone, because ultimately your happiness is what matters.

Remember, Your birthday is your day, nothing or no one can take it away from you, just keep in mind, be kind to yourself, take your own time and enjoy each step of your life every day and every moment.